Boviene Spongiforme Encephalopathie (BSE)

Last Thursday, 16th June, fourteen veterinarians belonging to official instances from inside as well as from outside the European Union stopped over at Abatan during their stay in Belgium, during which they followed a training on BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), better known as the "mad cow disease".

BSE, discovered by a Belgian "vet" 

Professor Vanopdenbosch, who discovered BSE, is in charge of this project. This visit is part of a larger programme (download available at bottom article) these vets are following, during which they try tracing BSE,  starting at the source (foodproducers).Our guests were curious to find out how the BSE problem is being dealt with in Belgium, more in particular in our slaughterhouse.

Their visit started with a theoretical explanation, organized in our cellars (Caves de Cureghem), after which they made a tour of the slaughterhouse, guided by Mr Jan Van Assche, our Quality Manager, who is a veterinarian too.

There are plans for a second group visiting our premises.