Any assistance?

FAQ’s, i.e. questions that come back regularly; we have tried to list them up for you. Of course, you can always contact us if the answer to your problem is not to be found amongst them.
You can do so by either calling us, or by sending an e-mail. Our contact data can be found behind the contact button in the top right corner of the main menu.

I want to start my own business and have my own stall in your market. How do I go about this?
First of all you should get well-informed and documented. The are two organizations (amongst many others) that are nearby and can offer assistance:
Euclides sc
Rue du Chimiste 34-36
1070 Anderlecht

Tel.: (+32.2) 529.00.00

How can I get my own permanent area in the market?
What documents do I need to become an ambulant merchant? 
You need to fill out a request form for your own emplacement and send it to Abattoir s.a. by registered letter, together with a copy of your company’s registration number, your merchant permit and your passport or ID-card. Requests are dealt with once a week and always get a follow-up in writing.
Where can I get the documents requested?
A company registration number and merchant permit can be obtained from the “Guichet d’entreprise”. 
Hereunder you will find three of the most important ones:
Can I come as a private person, just for one day?
Sure you can, even without reservation, but on the sole condition that the things you want to sell are personal things, that were not bought nor produced with the purpose of selling them.
What is the cost involved?
On Fridays: 1 emplacement  5 m² at € 26,00/day
On Saturdays: 1 emplacement  5 m² at € 26,00/day
On Sundays: 1 emplacement  5 m² at € 26,00/day
Let’s say I take a subscription, will I have a fixed selling-place?
We do our very best to give the same place to everybody every week as soon as your subscription is valid. This emplacement cannot be sold to somebody else and stays the property of Abattoir s.a.  It can be recalled at all times without previous notice.
Can I park my van there?
After having set up your stall, you can park your car at the merchants’ carpark. The parking fee for merchants is up to 5 €/car for a whole day (you have to arrive between 5:00 and 7:00 A.M. and leave after 2:00 P.M. While asking for a monthly subscription for a marketplace, you will be obliged to buy a personnalized parkingbadge with a yearly subscription for the parking. In order to receive those tariffs, we ask you to contact us by phone at +32 (0)2/521 54 19 or by e-mail.