Each Sunday, from 7 a.m. till 2 p.m., we organize a flea market at Abattoir. Therefore, we reopened the old meat market in order to have an indoor flea market. You'll find more than 80 stalls inside the Brocantemet ("Met" is the old Brussels dialect for market). Besides, there are much more stall outdoor ! Just come to this nice place in Brussels and discover the real atmosphere of the 'bazaars'.

Practical information:

For those who would like to rent a stall and sell flea on our market, please be there at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning. You can have acces with the car at following entrance : Quai de l'Industrie 168, 1070 ANDERLECHT. The price for a stall is up to 26,00 € for a surface of 5m². We do not take reservations in beforehand. Only arrival on the day selve. The payment of your stall will be effected on site.

Hereunder, we add a plan of the company site of Abattoir, with indication of the premises where BROCANTEMET is situated.