In memoriam : Carlos BLANCKE
It is with great sadness that the members of the board of Abattoir SA and their staff have to announce the death of M. Carlos Blancke, their Honorary President. Born in Ixelles on 21 March 1928 and deceased at Dilbeek on 15 December 2016. We kindly ask his family to accept our most sincere condolences.
Husband of Mrs Alice CROON
Born in Ixelles on 21 March 1928 and deceased at Dilbeek on 15 December 2016The farewell ceremony will take place in the church of Saint Dominiek Savio in Dilbeek on Tuesday, 27 December 2016 at 11.00 hrs. Respects as of 10.30hrs at the church (corner R. Dansaertlaan and Stationstraat). The burial service will take place at the Dilbeek cemetery. Respects can be paid on or on
IN MEMORIAMCo-founder of Abattoir SA in 1983 and of Business Centre EUCLIDES in 1994.He was the true founding father of ABATTOIR SA which he rescued from final closure together with a couple of partners. Thanks to his undisputed power to convince and his confidence and belief, he succeeded in convincing 160 entrepreneurs to follow him into a new challenge. He made politicians believe that a new start was realistic. Right from the start he convinced the ABATTOIR SA board to open the slaughterhouse site for the immediate neighbourhood in order to avoid isolation. In 1994 he thus became co-founder of EUCLIDES cvba, a business centre out of which quite some new initiatives were started up for the Cureghem vicinity. “Social entrepreneur-ship” did not belong to the common language in those days. To which he added an incredible amount of joyfulness. On Wednesday 24 May 2006 he was nominated honorary president for Abattoir SA. We are very grateful for him having shown us the way to go ahead, all the way. Abattoir, Where Brussels is alive! We kindly ask his family to accept our most sincere condolences. |
Né à Ixelles le 21 mars 1928, il s'est éteint paisiblement à Dilbeek le 15 décembre 2016.La cérémonie sera célébrée le mardi 27 DECEMBRE à 11 heures en l'église H. Dominiek Savio à Dilbeek, suivie de l'inhumation au cimetière de Dilbeek. Accueil dans l'église à partir de 10.30 heures (au coin de la R. Dansaertlaan et de la Stationsstraat). Vous pouvez témoigner votre sympathie à la famille via ou sur
IN MEMORIAMCo-fondateur de la SA Abattoir en 1983 et du Centre d’entreprises, la SCRL Euclides en 1994.Il est le père fondateur de la SA Abattoir. Avec quelques complices, Il a sauvé l’entreprise de sa fermeture en 1983. Grâce à sa conviction d’y arriver et vu la confiance qu’on lui accordait, il a persuadé 160 indépendants d’entrer dans l’aventure.
L'entrepreunariat social était très peu connu à cet époque. A toutes ces qualités, il joignait une joie de vivre communicative. Nous lui sommes reconnaissants de nous avoir montrer la voix pour continuer dans ce sens. Abattoir, Où Bruxelles vit! Nous présentons nos plus sincères condoléances à la famille et lui souhaitons beaucoup de courage. |